
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2014


DECIDIR SI SE LE AGREGA AL ADJETIVO (PALABRA ENTRE PARENTESIS): ER, EST, MORE O MOST SEGUN CORRESPOONDA My brother has a (tidy)   room than me. Australia is (big)   than England. I'm (good)   now than yesterday. She's got (little)   friends than you, but she doesn't care. He thinks Chinese is (difficult)   language in the world Valencia played (bad)   than Real Madrid yesterday. Cats are not (intelligent)   as dogs. Show me (good)   restaurant downtown. (hot)   desert of all is the Sahara and it's in Africa. Who is (talkative)   person in your family?


ACTIVIDAD No. 3 CONTESTA CORRECTAMENTE LAS SIGUIENTES TAG QUESTIONS. ES NECESARIO QUE IMPRIMAS O TRANSCRIBAS EL EJERCICIO Add the question tags. You want to go on holiday,  ? Charles will help us,  ? Mary has a little lamb,  ? You are the new student,  ? They have cleaned the windows,  ? Their parents are divorced,  ? The door has been locked,  ? You speak English,  ? He moved abroad,  ? You were there,  ? I don’t have to go there,  ? You did not tell him a lie,  ? They are not watching TV right now,  ? It will not rain tomorrow,  ? She is not going home yet,  ? He would not do this,  ? I won’t see you again,  ? We have not been here before,  ? She wasn’t surprised,  ? We cannot do this together,  ?