Blended Learning: Final Assignment
Introduction: The innovation I tried was a flipped classroom through the use of EDMODO because we don’t have a cyber center at school (that really works) and less than 20% of the students have a laptop. What they do have are cellphones (smart ones) so during the class I also implemented QR Codes hence students can surf on the Internet and complete the content of the class (this section of the course is managed through group projects where teams should answer at least one set of exercises). It looks like students just rotate between face-to-face teacher-guided practice (at school in a regular school day) to online delivery of content from a remote location after school; but using QR Codes also gives them some flexibility during the face-to-face period (because I give them 2 or 3 QR Codes so they –as a team- can choose just one or go deeper by looking up and solving all of them). The general idea is having time to work on small-group instruction (checking the progress team by t...